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Title: Clima social familiar y creencias irracionales en estudiantes de secundaria de una II.EE de Huancavelica-2021
Authors: Matamoros Zevallos, Sandra Margot
Fernandez Huaman, Pamela Katherine
Keywords: Calidad de vida
bienestar psicológico
Issue Date: 17-Jan-2022
Abstract: Objective: To determine the relationship that exists between the “Family Social Climate” and “Irrational Beliefs”, in students of the “Heinsberg” secondary school in Huancavelica, 2021. Methodology: Quantitative research, of a basic non-experimental type, with a descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional design. The data collection technique of this study was that of the survey, likewise, the instruments used were the family social climate scale of Moos and Tricket and the inventory of irrational beliefs of Albert Ellis. Regarding data processing, descriptive statistics were used for the respective presentation of figures, tables and results, in the same way, for hypothesis testing, inferential statistics. Participants: The respective sample used in this research reached 85 students from the “Heinsberg” secondary school, chosen using the census technique. Results: Regarding the general objective, the correlation found between "family social climate" and "irrational beliefs" was -,448 **, based on the specific objectives, the correlation found between the resignation of relationships, development and stability of the variable “family social climate” and the variable “irrational beliefs”, were of, -,283 **, -,371 **, - ,338 **, respectively. Conclusions: Based on the results found, we conclude that there is an inverse relationship between "family social climate" and "irrational beliefs", of the students of the "Heinsberg" school, Huancavelica, 2021, obtaining a Pearson r correlation of - ,448 **, which indicates an inverse and moderate correlation between both study variables.Keywords: Family social climate, irrational beliefs, students, adolescents.
Appears in Collections:PSICOLOGÍA

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