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Title: Relación entre los efectos secundarios y el abandono del implante subdérmico en usuarias de planificación familiar del Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica, 2019
Authors: Ruiz Ocampo, Juan Carlos
Ontiveros Huamani, Anjil Maricielo
Valencia Bedregal, Brigitte
Keywords: Salud Pública, Salud Ambiental y Satisfacción con los Servicios de Salud
Issue Date: 5-Jul-2021
Abstract: The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between side effects and subdermal implant abandonment in family planning users of the Santa María del Socorro Hospital in Ica, 2019, whose methodology was Type of research: basic, Level: Descriptive, Correlational and Nonexperimental design, with a sample of 169 external clients of the family planning service of the hospital where the study was carried out, finding in its results that more than 50.9% abandoned the method between the second and third year of insertion, in terms of To the secondary effects due to the subdermal implant, 57.4% presented headache, 43.2% dysmenorrhea, 59.8% intermenstrual bleeding and 63.3% had weight gain, concluding that there is a direct relationship between the secondary effects and the abandonment of the sub-implant. dermal, since the expected value was less than 0.005. Key words: subdermal implant, adverse effects, abandonment, rejection
Appears in Collections:OBSTETRICIA

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